
Tele-radiology Services Represent Today's Dynamic Example Of Which Element Of The Marketing Mix?

four Ps of Marketing Mix: Elements and Sub-Elements

Everything you demand  to know about 4 P's of marketing mix. The elements of marketing mix are popularly known as 4Ps of Marketing.

The social marketing "production" is not necessarily a physical offering. A continuum of products exists, ranging from tangible, physical products ( thousand., condoms), to services (due thousand., medical exams), practices (due east.1000., breastfeeding, ORT or eating a heart-healthy nutrition) and finally, more intangible ideas (e.m., environmental protection).

Place determination or distribution decisions are concerned with decisions relating to the smooth flow of goods from the producer to consumer and thereby create time, place and possession utilities. Identify determination include aqueduct of distribution conclusion and physical distribution decisions.

The combination of unlike 'price related variables' called past a firm to fix the price of its product is called price mix.

Promotion is the fourth important chemical element of marketing mix and hence a part of marketing mix strategy. Promotion is that activity which deals with the responsibility of informing and persuading the customers about the product and creating an paradigm well-nigh the product in the minds of the customers.

Acquire about 4 Ps of Marketing Mix:- 1. Production two. Place 3. Price four. Promotion.

4 Ps of Marketing Mix: Product, Price, Place and Promotion

4 Ps of Marketing Mix – Product, Identify, Price and Promotion with Diverse Sub-Elements

Element # 1. Production:

Production is an important component of marketing mix without which in that location would be no business. A product can be annihilation. It can exist an object, an organization, service, place, idea or people. It is not only the tangible product that we see simply as well the benefits and services that are associated with information technology.

When a customers buys a product it is the want satisfying aspect or do good or warranty of services that he buys and not only the tangible production. Great care, therefore, needs to exist taken to manage the product. Managing the product includes planning and developing the right production, product line, product range, branding, labelling packaging, new product development, guarantees, service etc.

Thus, an organization should develop the product in the light of various factors like needs and wants of the target customers, their buying behaviours, age, income, taste, values, competitive conditions, trade practices, legal considerations etc.

Various sub-elements of production are:

i. Product Features:

Decisions relating to product features include incorporating those features in the product which are required by the target client. Information technology includes the benefits which the customer seeks from the product.

ii. Product Quality:

Information technology is very important for the industry to see that the product confirms to quality standards specified. Control of quality standard is a basic requirement. Different quality standards are established for different blazon of products by the law or industry themselves.

3. Product Blueprint:

Production design is an important marketing decision, which helps in increasing sales. Good design helps in value additions to the product, by fashion of attractiveness, convenience, utility and safety.

iv. Product Variety:

Customers are no longer satisfied with the same product for a long time howsoever good it may be. The nowadays twenty-four hours customer wants variety in the products that are offered to them. Newness in the product is a must to satisfy the customer these days.

5. Product Size:

Availability of the product in various sizes not only suits the dissimilar requirements of different target groups just too the varying requirements of an individual customer at different points of time.

vi. Branding:

A make is name, term, symbol, sign, mark or a combination of these used to identify the products of the firm and differentiate information technology from competing brand. The managerial process of giving a make name to a product is called branding. Information technology is essential for the marketer to brand his product because it is the brand proper name which the market buys today and non simply a uncomplicated product. Brands are often used equally proxy for quality and dependability.

vii. Labelling:

Labelling is an of import component of product conclusion. It is a silent informer, and as well works a promotional tool. It provides the customer, with every detail near the production like composition of the product, internet contents, benefits, how to utilise it properly and safety, how to preserve it, death date etc. As a promotional tool, it carries bonny graphics and design, strong and deep colours etc. to attract the customers.

eight. Packaging:

Packaging refers to the activities of providing a wrappers or container for a production. Information technology protects the products, so that it can travel safely through the channels of distribution from producers to the consumers and tin also exist stored easily. It also helps in preserving the freshness and quality of the product.

Further, it serves every bit a marketing tool and helps in promoting the product. Attractive package design, colours, shapes, materials, etc. bandage a distinct prototype about the product in the minds of the consumers.

ix. Later Sale Service, Guarantees and Warranties:

Increasing industrialization has resulted in more than employ of electronic gadgets appliances, machinery etc. all of which require subsequently-sale services. Guarantees, warrantees, repairs, spare parts etc. increase the value of the product. Better are the after-auction services, better is the response of the customers towards the product.

Chemical element # ii. Place:

Place decision or distribution decisions are concerned with decisions relating to the smooth menstruation of goods from the producer to consumer and thereby create fourth dimension, place and possession utilities. Place determination include channel of distribution decision and physical distribution decisions.

Diverse sub-elements of place are:

i. Transportation:

Transportation as a component of physical distribution is very essential for the business firm every bit it increases the market for the production. Decisions relating to transportation includes option of mode of transport to be used, whether to own vehicles or hire them, how to schedule deliveries, who will bear the transport cost from manufactures to wholesaler and them to retailer.

Different modes of ship are there vis. Roadways, Railways, Waterways, Airways, and Pipelines. Normally a combination of these modes is chosen by the company. It is important to notation here that choice of detail mode of transport affects the condition of the appurtenances and its pricing which ultimately affects customers satisfaction.

two. Warehousing:

Warehousing provides storage function to the firm and thereby creates time utility. The long-time gap between product and distribution, seasonal production of certain commodities continuous demand for the products and such other factors have made it necessary for the firm to store its products. Warehousing decisions mainly include decisions relating to option of public or individual warehouse or cold storages, and number of places where goods have to be stored to be released quickly in time of demand.

iii. Inventory Level:

It is very necessary for a firm to behave enough stock of appurtenances to meet the demand as and when required. It involves decisions as to how much to stock, who long to stock and at how many places to stock.

Since inventory has a cost and tin can affect the whole business, decisions regarding it should exist taken very advisedly. Inventory decisions are taken in light of various factors such as mode of transportation, location of warehouse, communication facilities bachelor etc.

iv. Aqueduct Level and Intermediaries:

Marketing channels are characterized by unlike aqueduct levels. Depending upon the number of intermediaries, at that place tin exist different channel levels viz. direct marketing where manufactures sells directly to the consumers, one level channel where goods are sold through one intermediary and and then on. Firm has to likewise determine the number and type of intermediaries to exist employed.

Element # three. Price:

Pricing concord a central place in every organisation as it facilitates transactions past providing a medium of exchange. It is a revenue generating chemical element of marketing mix. A right production at right place with effective communication cannot make a sale possible unless information technology is suitably priced. Growth and survival, prosperity and profitability, paradigm of the brand and of the firm to a great extent are influenced by the price.

The decisions regarding price are influenced by a number of factors such as production toll, demand and supply, nature and type of competition, regime rules and regulations, product, promotion, channels, of distribution etc.

The various sub-elements of pricing are:

i. Pricing Policies and Strategies:

Pricing policies and strategies provide the guidelines and framework within which the business firm can determine its toll. Varying pricing policies are there similar one price policy, flexible price policy, skimming price policy, penetration cost policy, full-line pricing policy, psychological pricing, uniform pricing, zonal pricing etc.

ii. Target Customers and Competition:

Pricing is affected by the pick of the target market by the house. The capacity of target customers to buy the goods at varying prices influences pricing decision. The number of competitors and degree of contest also forces the firm to charge a lower price.

iii. Government Rules and Regulations and Social Responsibleness:

Number of restrictions are imposed by the government on pricing activities. Public enterprises base their pricing policies on the directives of the government. Welfare of the gild is important for price determination. Club's short term and long term interest has to be protected and promoted.

iv. Terms of Delivery:

Timely delivery of the goods to the intermediaries is very meaning. The various terms and condition in this regard like the quantity of goods to be delivered, time of delivery, place and status of delivery should be decided in explicit terms. The policy of the house in this regard should be clear.

5. Terms and Credit:

Credit is the base of the business activities these days. No firm can think of marketing its products purely on greenbacks ground. Credit not simply helps in greater sales simply as well in expansion of market. In other words it is a tool of sales promotion. However it should be maintained at proper level. Almost of the appurtenances are sold under rent-buy system and instalment method past the manufacturer nether indirect aqueduct organization.

Credit is granted past manufacturer to wholesaler, from wholesaler to retailer and from retailer to last consumer. The credit level has to exist decided by the firm after taking into account various factors like nature of the product, position of the customers, competitor's terms and condition and credit facilities available through banks and financial institutions.

vi. Margin:

The divergence between the bodily price paid by the consumers and the total cost of the product is the margin. Margins are set for manufactures, wholesaler and retailers. The level of margin for the intermediary depends much on the nature of product. Industrial products have college margin levels equally they require more services and maintenance whereas consumer goods have low margin levels as they are used on mass scale.

Element # four. Promotion:

Promotion is the quaternary important chemical element of marketing mix and hence a part of marketing mix strategy. Promotion is that activeness which deals with the responsibility of informing and persuading the customers well-nigh the product and creating an epitome about the product in the minds of the customers.

A well designed product which has been priced attractively and made accessible to the target customers will not exist sufficient to ensure success for the firm unless the house communicates effectively to the customers that production is available at the right place and at right price and has certain specific advantages and benefits.

Various sub-elements of promotion are:

i. Advertizement:

Advertisement is a very popular method of promotion. It is a paid course of non- personal presentation of goods, ideas or facts to the consumer by an identified sponsor. This non-personal presentation is made through different media like print media, electronic media, etc. Newspapers, magazines, radio, television, cinemas, leaflets, affiche, billboards, direct ad, etc. are important medium of advertizement.

Advertizing decisions include conclusion relating to determination of advertising objective, advertising media, advertisement theme, advertizement entreatment, advertising budget, advertisement agencies, advertising copy and layout and measuring advertisement effectiveness.

ii. Personal Selling:

Personal selling can be described every bit the oral presentation of the goods to i or more prospective buyers for the purpose of selling the goods. More often than not used for industrial marketing it is a very distinctive course of promotion as it involves a personal contact resulting in two-manner advice.

It is based on persuading the customer rather than pressurizing him to buy the production. It is very flexible and adaptable method as the seller has the opportunity to adjust his sales, talks, equally per the irresolute needs and desire of the client. At the same fourth dimension salesman gets the required feedback from the customers. However, it is an expensive method of promotion.

iii. Sales Promotion:

Sales promotion refers to short-term incentives offered to encourage the sale of appurtenances and service. Information technology refers to all inducements offered at the place and time of purchase, such as coupons, premium, contest, free goods, discount, gifts etc. Though it is an effective tool of promotion it is supplementary to advertising and personal selling.

iv. Public Relations:

Public relation is a planned and serious effort on the part of the organization to develop and maintain understanding and good relations between the house and public consisting of its prospective customers. It is an endeavor by the firm to raise its goodwill amongst its customer, shareholder, employees, government, full general public and society. Different programmes like opinion, inquiry, literature, films, conference, tours etc. are conducted to develop public relations.

v. Trade Fairs and Exhibitions:

Trade fairs and exhibitions occupy a meaning place equally an chemical element of promotion mix these days. They bring with them the advantages of having the buyers and seller face up to face i.e. personal contact betwixt the two parties is there. Proper planning with regard to location of trade fairs and exhibitions, their size, demonstration and brandish arrangements, sales staff etc. has to exist made to make it successful.

Evolution of marketing mix is a crucial task before marketing managers. It is beneficial to the firms in many ways. An appropriate marketing mix helps in proper resource allotment of limited resource of the firm, helps in maximizing profits and customer'due south satisfaction. The requirements of customers are different and therefore dissimilar combinations of various elements and sub-elements of marketing mix help the business firm in having a consumer oriented marketing. Different needs of the customers can be satisfied in culling ways.

four Ps of Marketing Mix – With Factors: Product, Toll, Concrete Distribution and Promotion

1. Product:

As the name suggests it means the product which is available for purchase or the product offered for sale. The of import fact in this context is pregnant of the discussion "Product" which includes physical object or service or even an thought. The decisions related to (i) quality, (ii) design, (3) size, (iv) branding, (v) packing, (vi) warranties, (7) sales service, etc. are included in product mix.

This chemical element makes certain that proficient quality products are offered for sale in market. The products should have singled-out identity and should stand apart from the residue. Simple simply catchy brand name and attractive 'n' like shooting fish in a barrel to handle convenient packing can assistance brand proper noun to gain popularity. Appurtenances packing must exist protective equally well as economical. If these things forth with after sales services are provided, it actually help the products sale proceeds momentum.

2. Price:

In society to buy whatsoever product, or to become any service one has to pay the price. This is a key rule of concern. In order to achieve maximum profits one may price goods highly but with high prices, the demand decreases and thus the goal is not achieved. Thus we come across that pricing the product helps in the product becoming popular and favourite among consumers. The price should be cost effective i.e., straight related to the utility derived from the product. Allow's meet the factors determining the price of whatsoever production or service or an thought.

(i) The Cost of Production:

The toll should cove all manufacturing, assistants and selling expenses. The toll should also include profits.

(ii) Demand:

If the demand is high and supply depression, the price charged could be high and vice versa. Demand has to exist assessed accurately before setting the price.

(iii) Objectives:

If the objectives of firm or concern are to capture market it may toll the goods low as compared to the business concern whose objective is to earn maximum profits.

(iv) External Factors:

The prices of other goods which are like in utility also affect the cost of product. Government policies also touch on the price. The appurtenances in fashion are charged more than goods out of fashion.

All these factors help in taking decisions related to price of the goods or service or the idea.

three. Place (Physical Distribution):

No uncertainty if the quality of appurtenances is spectacular, the cost is toll effective merely if the product is not easily available, the product wouldn't be sold. Commonly what happens is the producers do non sell their products directly to consumers merely the chore is done through a proper channel of wholesalers, retailers and several other agents. Proper channel through which the product is to be sold and where and when is to exist decided in this element of marketing mix.

The relevant factors which aid in making a pick of channels of distribution are:

(a) Nature of Product:

If the production is perishable, information technology requires maximum agents in its way to reach the final consumers. If the production is very technical and costly so in that location may be direct purchases from producers past consumers, say in field of aeroplanes, ships etc.

(b) Comparative Costs Offered:

It may be that manufacturers utilize the same channel equally other competitors but offer comparatively low cost and then that their product sells more.

(c) Toll to exist Paid:

The channel requiring minimum payment and maximum coverage is platonic for any business concern.

(d) Government Regulations:

Government may put some regulations in using a channel for some production. Say, if wine's advertisements are banned on radio or more agents for wine supply are not given permission in urban center. And so manufacturers will have to look for a new channel.

(e) Producer's Financial Resources:

There established producers who may have their ain showrooms to sell their products. Vimal, Raymond's, etc. take their own showrooms in the middle of big cities.

4. Promotion:

Until and unless goods are properly promoted and people are made enlightened of the product and services, the goods won't be sold. An appropriate combination of various promotional tools is required for effective promotion of products. This depends upon the scale i.e., the budget and the diverse tools and their costs. Many factors influence the selection of tools every bit blazon of product, the target marketplace and so on.

The four tools or elements of this "P" i.e., Promotion Mix are as follows:

(i) Publicity

(ii) Sales Promotion

(iii) Advertizement

(iv) Personal Selling.

Let's talk over each of these tools individually.

(i) Publicity:

This type of promotion mix has a peculiar feature that this is not a paid form. Actually speaking, publicity refers to the mention of company/product in any published or non-published media. For instance, a new product is launched, and due to some or the other feature which is not a office of other goods of aforementioned category, the production may become a point of give-and-take among various groups.

This mention adds to the promotion and hence, the product gets publicized. This publicity is mainly due to good response from customers, or due to quality or can be fifty-fifty due to some controversies. Anyway, these publicities form a crucial part of promotion mix. If a product is able to draw a lot of attention by mention in journal and market circles, company need not spend more than on advertising the product.

(ii) Sales Promotion:

"Sales promotion includes those marketing activities, other than personal selling, advertising and publicity, that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness such every bit displays, shows and expositions, demonstrations and various not-recurrent selling efforts not in the ordinary routine." American Marketing Clan.

Sales promotion includes activities as distribution of gratuitous samples, premium on sales, fairs, exhibitions, dealer incentives, fashion shows, etc.

A bespeak which requires a mention here is that sales promotion is dissimilar from advertizing (which is done through media, owned and controlled by others); personal selling (face to face up selling) and publicity (which are non-paid class).

4 Ps of Marketing Mix – Additional Marketing P's: Partnership and Policy

Element # ane. Product :

The social marketing "product" is not necessarily a physical offering. A continuum of products exists, ranging from tangible, concrete products (e.thou., condoms), to services (e.thou., medical exams), practices (eastward.g., breastfeeding, ORT or eating a centre-salubrious nutrition) and finally, more intangible ideas (due east.grand., ecology protection).

In order to have a feasible product, people must first perceive that they have a genuine problem, and that the production offering is a good solution for that problem. The role of enquiry here is to detect the consumers' perceptions of the problem and the production, and to make up one's mind how important they feel it is to have action against the problem.

Chemical element # 2. Price :

"Price" refers to "what the consumer must practise in order to obtain the social marketing product. This cost may be monetary, or information technology may instead require the consumer to give up intangibles, such every bit time or effort, or to risk embarrassment and disapproval. If the costs outweigh the benefits for an individual, the perceived value of the offering will be low and it volition exist unlikely to be adopted.

However, if the benefits are perceived as greater than their costs, chances of trial and adoption of the product is much greater. In setting the toll, particularly for a physical product, such every bit contraceptives, there are many issues to consider. If the production is priced besides low, or provided free of accuse, the consumer may perceive it every bit being low in quality. On the other hand, if the price is too loftier, some volition not be able to beget it.

Social marketers must balance these considerations, and often end up charging at to the lowest degree a nominal fee to increment perceptions of quality and to confer a sense of "nobility" to the transaction. These perceptions of costs and benefits can be determined through enquiry, and used in positioning the product.

Element # 3. Identify :

"Identify" describes the way that the product reaches the consumer. For a tangible production, this refers to the distribution system – including the warehouse, trucks, sales strength, retail outlets where it is sold, or places where it is given out for free. For an intangible product, place is less lucent, but refers to decisions almost the channels through which consumers are reached with information or training. This may include doctors' offices, shopping malls, mass media vehicles or in-home demonstrations.

Another element of place is deciding how to ensure accessibility of the offering and quality of the service commitment. Past determining the activities and habits of the target audience, likewise as their experience and satisfaction with the existing delivery organization, researchers can pinpoint the virtually ideal ways of distribution for the offering.

Element # iv. Promotion :

Finally, the last "P" is promotion. Because of its visibility, this chemical element is often mistakenly thought of as comprising the whole of social marketing. Promotion consists of the integrated use of advert, public relations, promotions, media advocacy, personal selling and amusement vehicles. The focus is on creating and sustaining demand for the product.

Public service announcements or paid ads are one way, just there are other methods such as coupons, media events, editorials, "Tupperware"- style parties or in-store displays. Enquiry is crucial to determine the about effective and efficient vehicles to reach the target audience and increase demand. The primary enquiry findings themselves can as well be used to gain publicity for the plan at media events and in news stories.

Additional Marketing "P 'due south":

1. Partnership – Social and health issues are ofttimes so complex that one agency can't brand a dent by itself. You lot demand to team up with other organizations in the community to really be constructive. You need to figure out which organizations have similar goals to yours – not necessarily the same goals – and identify ways you can work together.

2. Policy – Social marketing programs can do well in motivating individual behavior change, but that is hard to sustain unless the environment they're in supports that modify in the long run. Often, policy change is needed, and media advocacy programs can be an effective complement to a social marketing program.

The issues addressed past social marketing programs are oftentimes controversial or complex, such equally safer sex or violence, and may need some political diplomacy with community organizations to gain support, to go access to the target audience or to head off potential adversaries at the laissez passer.

As an example, the marketing-mix strategy for a breast cancer screening entrada for older women might include the post-obit elements:

The product could be any of these three behaviors – getting an annual mammogram, seeing a physician each year for a chest examination and performing monthly breast self-exams. The price of engaging in these behaviors includes the monetary costs of the mammogram and exam, potential discomfort and/or embarrassment, time and fifty-fifty the possibility of really finding a lump.

The place that these medical and educational services are offered might be a mobile van, local hospitals, clinics and worksites, depending upon the needs of the target audience. Promotion could be done through public service announcements, billboards, mass mailings, media events and community outreach.

Partnerships could be cultivated with local or national women's groups, corporate sponsors, medical organizations, and service clubs or media outlets. The policy aspects of the campaign might focus on increasing access to mammograms through lower costs, requiring insurance and Medicaid coverage of mammograms or increasing federal funding for chest cancer enquiry.

Politically, the groups you would want "on your side" in the campaign would depend upon the way you lot frame the campaign. Some possible allies to cultivate are physicians, insurance companies, women's health organizations, or the American Cancer Society. Each chemical element of the marketing mix should be taken into consideration equally the program is adult, for they are the cadre of the marketing effort. Inquiry is used to elucidate and shape the final product, price, place, promotion and related decisions.

4Ps of Marketing Mix – Product, Price, Identify and Promotion Mix: With Types

The elements of marketing mix are popularly known equally 4Ps of Marketing.

They are:

one. Production (Mix)

2. Price (Mix)

iii. Place (Mix)

4. Promotion (Mix)

i. Product (Mix):

The combination of different 'product related variables' chosen by a firm to produce its product is called Production Mix.

Product related variables include the features of product, quality, packaging, labelling and branding.

Appurtenances or services or 'anything of value' which is offered to the market place for sale are called Product. Example-Tooth paste, Soap etc.

Types of Products:

Consumer product- Goods which are purchased past the ultimate consumers for personal needs. Example- Soap, toothpaste, fabric etc.

Industrial products-Goods used as inputs in producing other products Case: raw materials, toots etc.

ii. Cost (Mix):

The combination of different 'cost related variables' called by a business firm to fix the price of its product is called Price Mix.

Price related variables include pricing objectives, cost of production, competitor'due south price, turn a profit margin etc.

Price is the amount of money customers have to pay to obtain the product. Pricing occupies an important identify in the marketing of goods and services by a firm.

Pricing is considered to exist an constructive competitive weapon.

three. Identify (Mix)/ Physical Distribution (Mix):

The combination of different 'place (physical distribution) related variables' chosen by a firm to make its products bachelor to the target customers is called Identify Mix.

Identify related variables include the channel of distribution, identify of production and consumption, storage and warehousing, transportation etc.

Place or Concrete distribution include activities those brand a firm'due south products bachelor to the target customers.


Physical Distribution includes all the activities required to physically move goods from manufacturers to the customers.

There are two important decisions relating to Physical Distribution:

a. Physical movement of goods from producers to consumers.

b. Regarding the channels of distribution to be selected.

4. Promotion (Mix):

The combination of different 'promotional variables' called by a firm to persuade the customers to buy the product is called Promotion Mix.

Promotional variables include advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relation.

Promotion is the process of informing the customers about the products and persuading them to buy the product.

Diverse tools of communication are used by the marketers to inform and persuade customers about the products.

These Include:

(i) Advertizement

(ii) Personal Selling

(three) Sales Promotion

(4) Public Relation.

4 Ps of Marketing Mix – Additional 4 Ps: Packaging, Processes, People and Physical Evidence

Four more "Ps" are now added to enlarge the horizon of marketing.

They are:

1. Packaging

ii. Processes and

3. People

four. Physical evidence

one. Packaging:

Packaging of consumer goods play an of import role in marketing program. Packaging refers to, the wrapping and carting of the goods earlier they are delivered to the customer. Before the goods are dispatched to the customer, they are placed in suitable pocket-sized packages.

Advantages of Packing:

i. It protects goods confronting possible damages

ii. It helps in keeping appurtenances pure and make clean

iii. Proper packages enable uniformity in the size of goods

iv. Brands are ordinarily promoted through good packaging. E.g. tea, coffee etc. cannot be branded unless they are put into suitable packages

v. Packaged appurtenances can be handled easily

vi. Goods which are packed properly creates faith in the minds of people in terms of quality and quantity

vii. A good package attracts customers. Therefore, good parcel would help the arrangement to increment sales volume

2. Process:

Procedure refers to the arrangement by which the customer receives commitment of the services. For example, in a fast food restaurant the process consists of ownership coupons at ane counter and packing the food against coupons at another counter. In service the procedure mainly involves adding value or utility for customer. Activities should be arranged in a logical and sequential form.

Following are the steps involved in process:

i. Identify the steps involved in delivering the service to the client.

ii. Conform the steps in the most logical and proper sequence

iii. Minimize the customer's contact in the process

iv. Using automation to speed upwards the delivery process

three. People:

Person rendering service play vital role in the marketing of services. Their attitudes and behaviour exercise a major influence on the client's perception of the service and the company. Persons involved in the process should ensure complete consumer satisfaction.

Wherever possible automation and computerization should be used to reduce the need for personal contact. Careful choice and training, neat and consequent appearance of service personnel are necessary. In improver rules and norms tin can be laid downwardly to ensure consequent behaviour.

4. Concrete Evidence :

Tangible elements in a service play a significant role in influencing the image of the service in the minds of customers. For example, seating arrangements and interior decoration of the theatre are physical bear witness. Essential physical bear witness can be used to build a potent image and to differentiate the services from those of the competitors.

Coca-Cola considers marketing mix as the artistic balance of 7 ingredients- (i) Product, (2) Price, (iii) Promotion, (4) Place, (five) Potential, (half-dozen) Penetration, and (seven) Profit. These seven 'P's of marketing tin can easily assure quality, availability, satisfaction, brand disinterestedness and repeat purchases.

Marketing management has to perform the post-obit chief functions of marketing:

(a) Knowledge of demand, i.e., client needs unmet and then far, and how the demand tin can be adult.

(b) Obtaining demand i.due east., getting orders,

(c) Fulfilling orders, i.e., achieving a profitable turnover, and

(d) Ensuring satisfaction of customer needs, i.e., aiming at new and/or repeat business organization.

Marketing management bike involves:

a. Determination of the present and potential customer through marketing research,

b. Conception of the marketing programme and policy,

c. Evolution of product and its adaptation to specific customer needs through product planning and development.

d. Channel choice and channel management,

e. Physical distribution organization,

f. Generation and stimulation of demand through all devices of promotion,

g. Decision of selling prices and discounts,

h. Selling activities i.e., personal selling, contract negotiation, payment provisions,

i. Afterwards-sales activities,

j. Feedback of information from the market on post-sale reactions and usage,

yard. Re-planning on the footing of feedback information from the environment and the marketplace.

Tele-radiology Services Represent Today's Dynamic Example Of Which Element Of The Marketing Mix?,


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